Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Haha, I'm finishing up a badge for a gal by the name of BunDiNGO and the badge theme was just too funny not to share.

The character is a dingo, and obviously he's about to live up to that Australian urban legend. Sorry for the bad quality; cell phone pic.

Also, as I just advertised that I'll be uploading SECRET SKETCHES and what not, have a few:

Was making an attempt at drawing a realistic version of Ashinros' character. Done in cheapo, bic pen.

Concept art for my Leogran character based on the species Cubi created C:

A silly little project in the fanservice department; It was for a challenge on Deviantart in which we were supposed to draw ourselves in the Toei animation style along with a partner digimon and do so in a way parodying the "Best Partner" album covers. I never finished, and I doubt I will.

A Polarkeet. Yes, a polar bear/parakeet hybrid. I was asked to draw this wacky character for an art exchange over on Livejournal.

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